
Writing Your Personal Purpose Statement

Do you ever look at the calendar and wonder how a month (or two or six) seemed to rush by without your notice? Those moments seem to reduce our existence to a series of calendar squares, filled with routine, busy-ness and even monotony. But we’re made for so much more than that, and a personal purpose statement can help you get more out of each day you have been given.

Resilience After Trauma

It’s back-to-school season in one of the strangest years in our memories. We have experienced a kind of collective trauma, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, that leaves many of us looking for hopeful signs of change. For adults, as well as our children, that hope comes in the knowledge that we develop resilience after trauma.

How Complementary Therapies Support Trauma Recovery

For individuals in trauma recovery, the most effective treatment approach usually employs more than one type of therapy. Non-traditional therapies, sometimes called alternative therapies, can complement more traditional, western approaches to give clients broad-spectrum support as they heal from trauma.

Marking Milestones During Trauma Recovery

The past several months have been anything but normal for most of us, and several important dates and milestones have passed without traditional celebrations and fanfare. For individuals in trauma recovery, those milestones can stir up strong emotions and memories in the best of times. During the pandemic, you might feel an even greater intensity.