Welcome to my practice.

As of August 2024, I am not taking any new clients; please check back in January 2025.

A few things before you schedule with me.

Do you want to meet first before you schedule your one-on-one consultation? Start with an I have Questions call or Zoom.

Initial one-on-one consultations are required for new clients. Your initial consultation will be billed at an hour, but plan on staying about 75 minutes so we can thoroughly review client documents, answer questions, and formulate your best action plan moving forward.

For us to make the most of our time, you will be sent a payment link 48 hours before we meet. It is preferred that you pay by Venmo, but credit cards are also welcome.

I will send over the initial forms you need when you schedule your initial consultation. If you can fill them out ahead of time, that would be great. I also have all the client forms on a clipboard in my waiting room; please come 15 minutes early to fill them out. Help yourself to tea or water. There is a more lengthy intake form that I will send you home with after we have determined a plan and agreed to work together.

Please look over the Suggestions for Getting the Most out of Therapy!

If you are unsure which type of appointment you need, please schedule an I Have Questions call.

Couples’ sessions are offered as 90-minute or two-hour appointments.

If you are a working young adult under twenty-five or a college student unsupported by parents, I am happy to create a plan with you that fits your budget; schedule a call!

SYMBIS Pre-marriage coaching is offered as a seven-session package of 75-minute sessions; you do not need to book an initial consultation for SYMBIS; instead, reserve a 15-minute- I Have Questions call so we can meet.

I also occasionally offer virtual appointments, but I prefer we meet in person if you are local. You must be pre-approved to book a Virtual appointment.

If you are coming for counseling, Splankna, or coaching in our initial consultation, we will discuss the most appropriate plan to help you reach your goals. However, when we work together, you agree to take full responsibility for your self-care in the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual dimensions of your life between visits.

If you are new to Splankna Therapy or have pressing circumstances, I highly recommend you come in for at least five sessions, meeting once a week or every other week. Meeting frequently at the start will be most beneficial as we work together towards your goals.

My multi-session package rates enable a focused effort on your goals and change in a short amount of time at a slight discount. Look at the pay agreement document when emailed to you, or click here for discounted multipack sessions. You can only purchase a pre-pay discount package after our initial consultation.

I also offer Intensives. These can range from a 3-hour session to meeting over multiple consecutive days in several-hour blocks of time with breaks. It is recommended that you have experienced a Splankna session already before scheduling intensive work. Please inquire if you, your spouse, or your family are in crisis and need intensive sessions. An Intensive Session that lasts 3 hours is considered the same as three weeks of work in one visit. You must call or email to schedule if you want to book a full-day or multi-day intensive.

Daytime and Evening #HER Circle (Healing-Empowered-Resilient) Support Groups for women are offered twice a year and run for 14-16 weeks. To help you process individually, the fee to join a group includes two one-on-one 60-minute therapy sessions that you can schedule at any time.

I am in private practice; therefore, I do not accept insurance. Some folks have been able to use their HSA debit cards to pay for sessions. My fee is $150 per hour, and I have a limited number of openings for sliding scale rates.

Call, email, or book a 15-minute I Have Questions call/zoom with any questions.

 I look forward to meeting you,

 Shannon Neel, MA, CSP, CLC



Please be advised that I offer my services as a registered psychotherapist, not a licensed mental health professional. The approaches I offer are not intended to be a substitute for medical diagnosis or psychotherapy, and they do not replace the services of a licensed physician or licensed psychotherapist.

“Without knowledge of self, there is no knowledge of God. Nearly all the wisdom we possess, that is to say, true sound wisdom, consists of two parts: the knowledge of God and of ourselves.”
— John Calvin

Banner photo by Nathan Fertig on Unsplash