We all have times in life when we need to regroup.

A Re.Group Retreats provides Christian women the opportunity to do just that—regroup through spiritual practices and thoughtful examination while surrounded by extravagant support and beauty.

We can’t always control the events and circumstances of life. But we can release, repair, and reset. This is how God intelligently created us! We combine restorative Christian practices with the latest paradigm-shifting cognitive and neuroscientific discoveries that resolve persistent mental, emotional, and spiritual stress. This is the gift of these retreats. With this unique combination, you will return home changed with deep healing and skilled with the ability to regroup on your own accord.

If you are a Christian woman having trouble resetting because of life circumstances, let us tend to those struggles with you.

I have joined forces with a fellow colleague and we combine our diverse skills, training, and expertise to lead retreats and events that care for your body, soul, and spirit.

Check out our website for upcoming retreats